Super Bowl Sunday was such a blast! However, I'm not sure if we all payed more attention to the football or my brothers baby that was there. Just a little over 2 months old, he is such a cute stinkin' stud! He is finaly to the stage of "goo" & "gaaa"-ing and smiles at just about anything that moves. Daryk & I definitely love seeing and spending time with him, it gives us our "baby fix" that we need! We both agreed to wait to have any PEANUTS until I was finished with school, so for now... Baby Aisea is fun to play with! :) Ohhhh... And about the football game - I wasn't too big of a fan of either team, however I was pretty happy with the final score that resulted in me winning $15.00! BIG WINNER - I know ;). -xoxoxo JO*
With the NEW YEAR rolling in I figured since I have been slacking on my photography skills, mostly because I have been out of a camera for a while now, that I would just share what the husband and I have been up to!

* Daryk is currently working for Golds Gym in Spanish Fork where he is head over the PT (Personal Training) department and loves it! Even though he doesn't love the 30 minute commute, his co-workers and clients definitely make up for it! He always shares different stories about all the fun entertaining things that go on in that mad house of gym! D works alot of hours, but we couldn't be more blessed that we both have great jobs that we love!
* I work for Intermountain Health Care (IHC) at their newly built hospital in Riverton, UT. It's located right past the point of the mountain, so on the days that my foot is feeling heavy - I tend to make it to work within 15 minutes! :) It's always been my dream to work in an Emergency Room and somehow... I was lucky enough to fulfill that at the age of 21! But - the work isn't done. We're planning on me going back to school in the Fall and finishing my schooling to become an RN! I work as a Critical Care Tech & a Health Unit Coordinator in the ER and love every bit of it!
-xoxoxo JO*
-xoxoxo JO*
December 2010
The best thing that I can say about the freezing snow storms in Utah is that when it snows, the powder is amazing! We were lucky enough to find time to hit up the slopes with our busy schedules & enjoy time on the mountain. It was the first time back on a board for Daryk in about 5-6 years, but no one would've probably ever guessed. He did really well! It was so much fun sending Saturdays snowboarding with Daryk, my brother Wes & other friends! -xoxoxo JO*
November 2010
November is officially our busiest month with birthdays! From Daryk & Grandpas birthday being shared on the 13th to the NEW BIRTHDAY of my brother Bryce's baby being born on November 30th, it's such a fun time of the year! Baby Aisea Scanlon was born on November 30th at McKay Dee Hospital in Ogden, UT. He is so stinkin' cute and I absolutely love seeing him every chance I can get because it seems as if he has learned something new to do! -xoxoxo JO*
Viva Las Vegas

Well buddy, so far - IT'S FANTASTIC!
-xoxoxo JO*
October 2010
10.02.10 was the BEST DAY any girl could ever dream of. Nothing is better than being all dressed up in something that you've never worn before, eating amazing food & being surrounded by all of your family and friends. I can honestly say that on that day, I was livin' the dream. With only two months to plan a wedding that every girl has dreamed of since she was 6 - my mom is the one person that I can honestly say made my entire day amazing, with a bunch of help from others as well. I cannot thank her enough for all of the time and effort my mama had put into making sure that everything was perfect and just right or my big day. -xoxoxo JO*
It's not called being lucky, it's called being blessed.
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My Grandparents & Us.... My FAVORITE picture! |
Our bridal party. Daryks little brother was the Best Man & My Grandma was the MOH |
My Parents |
Daryks Parents |
Us with Daryks brothers & sisters and their families |
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The Seesters |
August - September 2010
August & September were the "crazy" months that we would spend day in and day out planning the wedding that I've always wanted since I was a little girl. From taking engagement pictures, to finding the PERFECT dress.. It might have been a little hectic at times, but it is something that I will always remember. -xoxoxo JO*

July 2010
THE PROPOSAL... July 31st would easily top the charts as to one of my most memorable days. After waking up at 4:00am to go open Crossroads Fitness and put in 6 hours of work at the gym before heading over to visit some of my patients that I see each Friday, I still couldn't wait to get down to Springville to finally see the "opening day" of the movie Charlie St. Cloud. I had been talking to Daryk months before the movie was released, saying just how badly I wanted to see it and so D had told me that Thursday night that I had to be down there by 3:30pm in order to make it to the show that he had got us tickets to.
So after working at the gym and seeing my patients, 1 o'clock rolled around... Before setting out on my journey down South I decided to kiss goodbye my black bags that took over my eyes from the lack of sleep I had from the night before & gave into a bottle of Coke for the car ride! Just as I got ready to leave Ogden my best friend, Katie, reminded me numerous times that "drowsy driving is drunk driving" haha, yes those exact words! Being the prompt person that I am, I sped down to make sure that I would make it not at 3:30pm, but at least 15 minutes early so that it gave me room for any traffic. Right as 3:08pm strikes the clock I called Daryk letting him know that I was getting off the Springville exit and would be at his house in 5 minutes. With my head bobbing & my eyes squinted trying to stay away, I look in my rear view mirror just after getting off the exit and see the beautiful colors of red & blue lights spinning.. WONDERFUL. Like my parents had always told us kids "if you ever get speeding ticket, you are off our insurance and paying for your own!" The first thing that came into my mind, besides the fact that my mother was going to slaughter me, was "drowsy driving is drunk driving". "Was I swerving and driving that bad", I questioned myself... Looking in my rear view mirror and watching the police officer walk up to my car I tried to act normal because "cops hate girls who try to cry", or so I was always told. After handing over my drivers license, insurance & registration I waited as he ran everything. With zero worries in my head because I knew I had a clean record and everything was up to par, the cop (along with his partner) came walking back to my car. Having one police officer on each side I started to panic a little bit before being asked "Miss, do you know why I pulled you over?" "Ummm no?", I simply replied, even though I knew exactly why... "Yes you do" he said in a stern voice". "Okay, yes I do. I was speeding. Probably going ALOT FASTER than just speeding but I won't do it again", was the best line I could come up with to try and weasle my way out of a ticket. Just then the police officer opens my driverside door and tells me to step out, that my license has been expired and that they would like to search my car. As the other police man opens up my passenger side and digs around, all I could think was "MY MOM IS GOING TO KILL ME!" Just as the police officer walks me to the back of my car and orders me to put my hands on the trunk before they handcuff me, I broke down bawling.. Not like a normal hormonal 21 year old girl would do, but more like an 8 year old elementary kid does who gets caught doing something bad at school. "My (sniff sniff) mom (sniff) is go-ing to ki-illl me" as I tried to tell the police office, just then I turn around because I heard a little laugh and there, on one knee sits Daryk Smith with an open box and a diamond ring. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or still cry, but still being in the shock that I was, I sat on Daryks knee. haha, Yes he immediately says "No Jo, you have to stand up. I'm not finished!" Then he proposed... Calling my mom right after laughing with the police men about their "good joke" they had PUNKED me on, my mom says "Do you love the ring?" And with the most honest answer I said "I am still getting over the shock factor that I am not going to jail, I havent even looked at my ring!" haha. All in all, it was an amazing proposal story that we still both look back on and laugh bout & .... I loved my ring! :) -xoxoxo JO*
June 2010
Oh the month of SUMMER... With camping, Nickel Arcade & Daryks younger sister, Danyelle's, Graduation on our agenda for June.. Things couldn't have been better! It's always so much fun to just go out camping, somewhere where you have no phone service & nothing better to do but burn marshmellows over an open fire and stack it with chocolate & graham crackers! -xoxoxo JO*
May 2010
Other than school ending and summer about to begin, May was a nice relaxing month for the both of us. Between D or I driving the almost 2 hour commute North or South each weekend, it always made the weekends so much better to look forward to! -xoxoxo JO*
April 2010
Brothers Body Building - My brother, Wes, (3rd from the left) had worked so hard to finally compete in his first NPC bodybuilding show, and he did SO GOOD! After all the hard work and effort Wes had put into this show, he did amazing. We all couldn't have more proud! -xoxoxo JO*
January 2010
This picture pretty much sums up itself. It's the real deal when it comes to our relationship. Between Daryk tripping on the sidewalk and dropping or Pizza Hut Pizza on the street before getting into the car, all the way to him learning to how "Brrrrrrr" his lips like this, there is never a dull moment. -xoxoxo JO*
December 2009
"DEAL OR NO DEAL" would be the breaking month of December when I would make my first trip to Springville to meet Daryks sisters and the rest of his family. After two nights in "The Ville" of being introduced to Daryks friends and family members, I headed back to Ogden where I would finish another week of school before introducing Daryk to "the parents" and my little brother that weekend at Temple Square. Needless to say - the parents, friends & brothers loved him so... He was a KEEPER!
November 2009
"A Mother Knows Best"... Or so I was always told & it only took me 21 years to believe it! After 2 years at Weber State University in Ogden,UT I had finally decided that a change was past due & that I was packing up and heading to the hot state of Hawaii, where I would finish school and go from there. My mom was not my best sponsor when it came to this move, and she would always say "You know, I'm going to laugh when you meet a boy that changes everything and you end up staying here"... Being the wonderful and obedient daughter that I am, I laughed and said that chance was gone. Not even a week later Daryks mom met me at a Weber State football game and had said she wanted to set me up with her son and that she was the "BEST" match maker! For how confident she was about her skills, I planned before even meeting her son that I wouldn't let it work, I would be that one match of hers that didn't succeed!... FAIL, not even a week after my moms comment and meeting Daryks mom, I found myself face to face meeting Daryk Smith at "The Pie" Pizzaria. That first night of meeting went well, possibly a little too well. Well enough to lead to the following weekend as a "date night". With Daryk living and working in Springville UT and myself in Ogden, he would make the hour and a half commute to go to a movie and dinner. Easily, the BEST movie & dinner date I had been too. So.... This is where the picture falls into place. It was taken on our first date, after we finished watching "New Moon".. Little did I know that this would be the first date of a million with D!
-xoxoxo JO*
-xoxoxo JO*
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