With the NEW YEAR rolling in I figured since I have been slacking on my photography skills, mostly because I have been out of a camera for a while now, that I would just share what the husband and I have been up to!

* Daryk is currently working for Golds Gym in Spanish Fork where he is head over the PT (Personal Training) department and loves it! Even though he doesn't love the 30 minute commute, his co-workers and clients definitely make up for it! He always shares different stories about all the fun entertaining things that go on in that mad house of gym! D works alot of hours, but we couldn't be more blessed that we both have great jobs that we love!
* I work for Intermountain Health Care (IHC) at their newly built hospital in Riverton, UT. It's located right past the point of the mountain, so on the days that my foot is feeling heavy - I tend to make it to work within 15 minutes! :) It's always been my dream to work in an Emergency Room and somehow... I was lucky enough to fulfill that at the age of 21! But - the work isn't done. We're planning on me going back to school in the Fall and finishing my schooling to become an RN! I work as a Critical Care Tech & a Health Unit Coordinator in the ER and love every bit of it!
-xoxoxo JO*
-xoxoxo JO*
JO! You have joined the blogging world! Yay I love it!